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I am currently a Math instructor at Southeastern Louisiana University. I have taught MATH 200 Calculus I, MATH175 Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry, MATH 163 Applied Calculus, MATH 241 Elementary Statistics, and MATH 151 College Algebra since I started working here.


While I was a Ph.D. student at LSU, I independently taught Calculus I, Calculus II, College Algebra and Trigonometry, where I took full responsibility of the course. I was a teaching assistant for the Capstone Course a few times, where I led a group of undergraduate students work on projects where they can apply mathematical knowledge.


Zhaoxia "Mary" Hess


Ph.D. in Mathematics

Graduated from the Department of Mathematics

at Louisiana State University



My Ph.D. dissertation analyzes the the spectrum of Schroedinger operators on graphs with a tree structure, specifically how the spectrum depends on the vertex conditions. By developing a connection with orthogonal polynomials, one is able to gain detailed information on the location of the eigenvalues as the length of the tree increases.

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